for:;;;rec.arts.animation Dilemma: Toon Furries by Bryan Chaney My name is Wilford B. Wolf and I am a furry. Some of you maybe wonder what a furry is. There is many definitions but basically it is any non-human sentient being, specifically an animal taking on various ascpects of humans or humans taking on various aspects of animals. Of course there is another defintion. A furry can also mean a person who is so fascinated by this concept that they either make a furry a kind of image or ideal or believe that at some level they are truely this creature they have created. This can be expressed in any number ways; art, literature, roleplay, etc. It has been my observation that within furrydom (the body of furry fandom) there is two major subcatagories. One is of the mythical creatures. There are people out there who imagine their ideal animal to be one that in truth does not exist; i.e. pegasi, centaurs, dragons. In fact, dragons are almost a subdivision unto themselves (Herpetaphiles will understand what I mean.) There is a second major subdivision that is related, that of toons. I happen to one of many people who imagine their furry to be a toon. How did this happen? What I am talking about is not mere appreciation of toons and perhaps speculation of various elements of toon mechanics. Both within the furry community and the obviously within animation fandom, this is quiet common. In fact, there is a lot of crossover between furriness and animation. But rather, otherwise normal human beings imagine that in fact deeply identify with either an established animated character or a character that they have either derived or created. The process is much the same for the more common furries, yet there is on occasion a misunderstanding from both within and outside the furry community. Some from within the community can't understand why we are toons. But then again, I can't personally see why some people like foxes, for example, or even why some people have certain sexual preferences. But I respect those people because that is who they are and just as my toon furriness is an expression of who I am, that is an expression of who they are. Maybe the biggest flak is from outside the furry community, from people who cannot understand why we are the way we are. Cartoons have largely gained the stigma of being a kids only entertainment. When someone from the industry especially finds out that all sort of speculation that is specifically out of the purview of the show is occuring with their characters, which by the way is often of an explicate nature, there is a tendency to wonder about the sanity of the people. Why would anyone find character X, a mere drawing of ink, sexually attractive, they wonder. Yet, I know of many people for whom these feeling are very real, sometimes for the form, more often the personality shown with the form serving as a strengthener. When I talk about why some furries are toons, I can only talk for myself. I am sure that there is any number of reasons why a particular character or type of character captures one's fancy. My first introduction of furrydom in any form was in the spring of '94, when while looking for a manga title, I stumbled over some copies of Genus. It wasn't until almost a year later that I was in fact a furry and had been for almost 11 years. I started to imagine myself first as a dragon, but for the last 5 years I have a much stronger attraction to wolves. At about the same time as I first stumbled over furrydom, I was starting to get heavily into Animaniacs. Maybe it was a subconscience connection, but when I started to get into IRC, specifically the #animaniacs channel, I chose a minor one-off character, Wilford B. Wolf as my nick. The reasons then and now remain the same. That character among all in the show, which if you can't tell, I love dearly, is the closest match to my personallity. The fact he is also a wolf is almost a odd coincidence of fate. There is times for the me that the form is very important when I play. I can draw upon the toon elements when I feel like it: ability to create items out of thin air, indestructiblity, general goofiness; and then there is times I pull more from the wolf side. In essence, I have taken the character and made it my own, I made it me. And similar process I have observed in many other people who take this part of themselves very seriously. Because, even though we imagine ourselves as toon and by definition are a little silly, we look upon our form as much seriousness as any other furry. Toon furries are very much in a dilemma. On the one paw, they have found a creative expression for themselves. On the other hand, there is a distain amongst some people because they are viewed with people without a real social life. While that maybe true in some cases, it not the reason for the toon furriness in the first place. We have merely found a way to express multiple fascinations at once. For truly, just as Sci-Fi and animation, the two "parents" of toon furriness, are often belittled but are still intresting creative expression, for toon furries it these two things along with humor that they wish to spread. Take pity upon the poor toon. My name is Wilford B. Wolf and I am a toon.